Sand Camp
Ranch |
Sand Camp Ranch |
This is the first time
offering of the Sand Camp
Ranch. The property is in
southeastern New Mexico
approximately ten miles east
of the small community of
Hagerman, New Mexico. Much
of the southern boundary of
the ranch runs adjacent to
State Highway 249. The
headquarters is located
approximately three miles
north of the highway on
Suzanne Road, a Chaves
County maintained roadway.
Acreage: |
2,380 +/- |
Deeded Acres |
6,074 +/- |
NM State Lease Acres |
26,653 +/- |
BLM lease acres |
32,107 +/- |
Total acres (50.17
Sections) |
Grazing Capacity: 405 Animal
Units Yearlong (Set by a
Section 3 BLM Grazing
Price: $3,672,000.00 (Based
on $9,485.00 per Animal
The headquarters is located
approximately twenty minutes
from the small farming
community of Hagerman, New
Mexico, and 40 minutes away
from Roswell, New Mexico,
the largest community in
southeastern New Mexico.
The headquarters
improvements include the
owner’s residence,
maintenance shop, hay barn,
round pen, along with cattle
shipping pens with scales.
All improvements have been
well maintained and are in
good condition.
The ranch is watered by
seven wells and an extensive
pipeline system that
provides water to areas of
the ranch that would
otherwise not have a
permanent source of water.
The pipeline system is
improved with steel upright
storage tanks that provide
water to tire livestock
drinkers. The wells are
approximately 150 feet deep
with a pumping capacity of 5
to 7 gallons per minute.
The terrain of the Sand Camp
Ranch is described as
undulating with numerous
soil types and varied
vegetation. The soil
profiles include sandy loams
with a few areas of deep
sand. The average
precipitation averages
between10 and 14 inches with
some snowfall during the
winter months. The mean
annual air temperature is
approximately 60 degrees F.
The frost-free season is
approximately 200 days.
The primary vegetation on
the sandier soil profiles
includes but is not limited
to sand bluestem, sand
dropseed, threeawn, sandbur,
sands sagebrush, shinnery
oak, mesquite and yucca. The
vegetation on the sandy loam
soils includes but are not
limited to blue grama, black
grama, sideoats grama, mesa
dropseed, threeawn, buffalo
grass, sand muhly, sand
sage, yucca and mesquite.
Wildlife in the area
includes desert mule deer,
antelope, several species of
game birds to include
mourning dove and quail. The
ranch owners are
participating in an Open
Gate Program with the New
Mexico Game and Fish
Department to allow access
to private lands for a fee.
The Sand Camp Ranch is
located just fifteen minutes
from the productive Pecos
River Valley. The valley
with its abundant irrigation
water produces excellent
quality alfalfa hay and corn
silage. Most of the Goods
and services for the
operation of the ranch can
be obtained just twenty
miles to the northwest of
the ranch in the community
of Roswell, which is the
county seat of Chaves
County. The current
population of Roswell is
approximately 50,000 people
with commercial jet service.
Hagerman, New Mexico, a
small community of
approximately 980 people
offers limited goods and
services but does have a
school system with offering
curriculum from K through
12th grade.
This ranch is ready to go.
The structural improvements,
fencing, pipelines and other
water infrastructure is in
good condition. There is
little or no deferred
maintenance on this ranch.
It is ready to go. Call or
email for a brochure and an
appointment to come take a
M Real Estate, LLC is a
transaction broker for the
Seller of this property. As
the Seller’s transaction
broker I represent the
Seller, and paid by the
Seller. This property is
offered subject to prior
sale, change in price or
removal from the market
without notice. All
information included within
the brochure, which is based
upon information supplied by
the Seller and from other
sources deemed to be
reliable, is not in any way
warranted by Bar M Real
Estate, LLC. For an
appointment to see the
Caldwell Ranch, contact;
Qualifying Broker
Bar M Real Estate,
LLC P.O. Box 428,
Roswell, NM 88202
Office: 575-622-5867
Cell: 575-420-1237 |
Sand Camp Ranch Location
Sand Camp Ranch Land Status